Donate today!

Let’s take responsibility together.
The Cochamó Valley is not a National Park, nor a Nature Reserve, nor is it protected by the Chilean government. They are private lands, where their owners have opened their use to the general public. We must all contribute to the maintenance and conservation of this place.

Ways to donate

We use three of the safest and most reliable sources for donations based on each donor's location and payment preference.

Monthly or annual support

A one-time donation is great. But smaller recurring donations allow us to plan for long-term implementation and well-planned programs. Either way, your help is greatly appreciated.
- You can make a direct transfer to our nonprofit certified bank account.
- 0% commission. All your donation goes to a cause for the Cochamó Valley.
- For recurring monthly donations.
- Payku is a Chilean company.
- Cobra 3% de comisión.

Our Chilean bank account info

Banco de Chile
Account num. (cuenta corriente): 8240096202
Rut:  65.151.211-5
Nombre:  Agrupación de Turismo, Propietarios y Amigos del Valle Cochamó


© Organización Valle Cochamó 2017-2025.
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